As if you didn't see enough last week, we bring you more hash pictures. Jim, Renee and two of her friends did this one. I was still healing from the previous weeks' wounds so I just went along for the scenic ride, to lend support and of course to have a beer at the finish line.
Houses along the roadside near the finish of the hash. I love the beautiful colors they are painted. Why are all the houses in the states white, beige, tan and gray?
Jim, Renee, Jennifer and Chuck looking clean before the start.
...... and up the steep hillside. Those small dots are people climbing the hill, using their hands to help pull themselves up. The course was shorter than the previous week but this hill was a big one!
The rest of the time we've been taking it kind of easy and just hanging out. I think that's because we know we don't have to move the boat and we can just sit for awhile. We played dominoes on Jacumba one afternoon accompanied by a jug of Jim's rum punches. We need to do that more often! We went to see the movie "Iron Man". It's the first time we've been to a theatre in 2 years. And Jim and I have been playing Scrabble all the time! We got on this kick about a month or so ago and we haven't stopped. We play almost everyday! We're trying to exercise our brains a little bit more!
We'll try to come up with something more exciting next week!