Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas in Paradise

We had a lovely Christmas on this beautiful island. I was asked recently if I missed snow at Christmas? I'm not sure if Jim and I have ever missed snow! But having grown up in the midwest, I do associate snow with Christmas. Also the smell of a Christmas tree, baking cookies with my friend Marcia, singing "Sisters" from the movie White Christmas with my sister Connie, wrapping lots of presents and then spending time with family and friends. But even without that, this was a good Christmas spent with some very special people we've come to think of as our cruising family.

There were 12 of us together for a potluck dinner. We decided there wasn't a boat big enough for all of us so we gathered at the Prickly Bay marina. As usual, it was a feast! You've seen our friends before, here they are again!

Manon (Le Bete) and Randy & Lynn (High States)

Kathy & Kerry (Bellagio)

Gervais (Le Bete), Marie France & Gilles (Phoenix III) and Yvon (Taima)

Marie France and Gervais. The photographer was busy eating so Wendy had to step in. I goofed and cut Tom (Spiritus) out of the picture. Sorry!

Jim trying to keep all of Gilles baked ham for himself!

While the snow blew back home we celebrated under blue skies with a temperature in the mid 80's. Later, back at the boat it was time for a swim under a star-filled sky. No, we don't miss the snow.