Sunday, June 5, 2011

I'm Back!

 First I have to comment on the previous blog entry posted by Jim while I was off visiting family and friends in Milwaukee.
I Loved It!!!
What women wouldn't?
Married 31 years and the guy can still surprise me!
Of course it did come at a cost.  He did take a few hits from some of his guy friends.

 Our friend Tim came to visit while I was away and stayed with Jim onboard Merengue.  He appears to have survived the experience.  Jim and Tim (I know, it sounds like twins!) were college roommates so they have lived together in a small space before but that was many years ago.

 In Brew City I was doing my best to take in every brewery tour and taste every micro-brew I could find.
This is Natalie, Bill, Connie and me each with a different flavor!  Jim really misses having a variety of beers so I was doing my best to taste them all for him!  Yeah right!

 Back in St. Martin and we are provisioning the boat for our trip south and look what we found.  BEER!  Not just beer but different flavors of beer.  A supermarket here has expanded it's stock and we found bock, dubbel, tripel, and more!  Merengue's sitting a little lower in the water today!

 Ruby Leffe.  Delicious!

 Another great bargain.  Appleton Estate Rum for $4.51 a bottle.

 The grocery receipt was the longest on record and I'm still not sure that we have anything but beverages.  At least we'll be well hydrated!

 Happy cat playing with the grocery bags.

Continuing on the drinks theme, here's a great combination of signs on the boardwalk in Phillipsburg.  It's the St. Martin of Tours Catholic Church with a sign out front that reads "1 umbrella, 2 chairs and 3 beers."
What times mass?

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