Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Over in Woburn, a small village on the south coast of Grenada, is Nimrod's Rum Shop.
Nimrod's was made famous (at least among cruisers) in the book
 "An Embarrassment of Mangoes". 

Nimrod's is a typical rum shop, a place where the locals gather to have a beer or rum and to Lime.
Think of it as your favorite neighborhood bar. 

Wendy, Phyllis, Steve and Hope enjoying a cold one.

If you be limin' then you know this is good advice.
Definition: Limin' - to relax, take it easy while you hang out with friends.
We be limin' mon!

More words of wisdom or just a warning?

The aroma of curry was just too irresistible so we moved down to the patio to wait for 
Mrs. Nimrod's chicken roti......... 

........and to enjoy the view of the neighborhood.
I think all neighborhood bars should have a view like this!